Human resources

Customer claim

These personnel perform tasks both personalized attention to users and management. Its functions are:

  • Maintenance of database users
  • Confirmation or denial of service
  • Processing services
  • Preparation of periodic reports

Persons assigned directly to this service have a long experience with customer service and specifically with disabled people. For the treatment of information and preparation of the report with the participation of the department of planning and business studies.

Service delivery

Taxi Amic SL is assigned to the six assistants working in different shifts to cover a very wide working hours rang from 7-23 hours on weekdays and from 8 to 22 hours on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

This ensures minimal presence of two people in the morning, two in the afternoon and one as a boost when middle shift.

Furthermore, the management responsible oversee the implementation of the service.

The main functions of the workers are:

  • Collection calls
  • Allocation of services to drivers
  • Verifying the driver data
  • Monitoring of service
  • Responding to e- mails.

The antiquity of the company employees is 7 years on average. This fact ensures the proper knowledge and effectiveness of services provided.

Taxi Amic offices, SL are located at street Taulat 24 at Offices property of Taxi Amic. The reception and service are separate from the administration. The first consists of fax, three working points, with its own terminal and local network connected computers.


We have 64 vehicles and 70 drivers. Six of these vehicles working double shifts and the rest in one shift per day.

All drivers are professionals, self-employed and own their vehicle. They all  Taxi driver license issued by the Metropolitan Institute of Barcelona.

As Taxi Amic is dedicated exclusively adapted service , these professionals are highly sensitive to the issue and case of people with disabilities , manifesting it in a daly basis with the contact with our users . Before joining Taxi Amic , drivers training conducted over a period of 7-10 days in order to know the specifics of the service.
The service requires a tailored personalized to the user. Experience and knowledge of it, makes drivers not engaged solely in the transport of people, but to perform other activities such as:


  • Assistance and access / off the vehicle
  • Accompaniment / from the sidewalk
  • Anchor the wheelchair
  • Positioning the seat belt
  • Transfers to the airport and port
  • Road Trips out of Barcelona
Do you need an adapted taxi?
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